October 2015 Book of the Month & Giveaway

November 18, 2015 06:22 PM Posted by juliannadouglas

I had no five-star reads in September, so I'm fast-forwarding to October. My favorite book from that month's reading is a Regency-set historical romance by one of my favorite authors. It features a heroine who, by day, is a mild-mannered widow, teaching young girls the social graces, but by night, she masquerades as the Black Angel, a super-hero style avenger of wrongs perpetrated on women and children, generally by men of the upper classes. She also has a Robin Hood-esque streak in her, robbing from the wealthy to give to the underprivileged. Our hero is a dissolute rake who leads a scandalous life, but his reasons for doing so are sympathetic. He knows he's not a charming gentleman like his best friend, and it pains him that he can't keep a woman – not even one he's paying – around for more than a few months. When our heroine mistakenly unleashes her avenging angel persona on him, thinking he's a terrible person after witnessing his latest mistress leaving in a huff, it's to great comic effect. But when she starts to get to know him on a more personal level as his neighbor, she quickly realizes her faux pas. But making amends without revealing her secret identity is going to be tricky, not to mention, she has a Bow Street Runner on her tail that could prove deadly if she's discovered.


Categories: Book of the Month, Giveaways

Tags: Liz Carlyle